Criterion Archives - August 30, 1963
The following is a summary of the headlines and photos which appeared in this issue of The Criterion. Items in italics are partial captions from photographs.
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- Ladywood dedication scheduled this Sunday
- Labor Day Statement asks equal job rights
- Many Bishops present: Catholic involvement in March extensive
- Two cities schedule Labor Day Masses
- Challenges Polish Reds
- To open September 4: Archdiocesan schools expect 39,000 pupils
- Schools to enroll 5.5 million
- Providence cheer leader: Miss Annette Gohmann
- Pastor named
- Refresher
- A theologian’s answer: who belongs to the Church?
- Books of the hour: ‘Inside’ Vatican II?
- A salute to Mother Seton
- The Church and the world: immigration law-ask school aid-attack Vatican
- Archdiocesan schools expect
- Sees council updating Catholic marriage norms
- Civil rights bill support is urged
- Comment: epitaph-politics of fear-migrant law
- Question box: may I send child to public school?
- Your world and mine: will hunger bring understanding?
- Social reform: time and automation wait for no man
- Guest comment
- The yardstick: labor and civil right
- To enter convent: Miss Judy Ann Baker
- 39 prepare for missions
- Introductions: Leigh Ann Morgan
- Changed clergy-laity relationship foreseen
- What of the day: a whale of a family
- More Catholics
- Crowd of 2,000 in attendance at Talent Show
- Helping hand
- CYO open tennis trophy winners
- CYO novice tennis winners
- To enter convent: Miss Martha Steele, Little Flower, Indianapolis
- Coaches to meet
- Indian pilgrimage
- Advisor
- Cite fraternity growth on Catholic campuses
- List changes in Jamboree
- Pronounces vows: Sister M. Eloyse Connelly, Christ the King parish, Indianapolis
- In the whole Christ: His sacrifice
- The week in liturgy
- Working to beat hell: murder by tongue
- This is Catholicism: the empty tomb
- Family clinic: is sanctity possible in today’s world?
- In the vineyard: The Sister of the Holy Cross
- New inter-American institute to open
- Viewing with Arnold: glitter, glamour, idiotic plots mark two new film comedies
- Bible still most translated work
- Planning common campus for Order seminarians
- Urges service groups as aid to vocations
- To enter Convent: Miss Sharon White, Our Lady of the Greenwood
- September
- Tic tacker
- Jubilarians: Mr. and Mrs. Frank Luecke
- Herron to host Marian courses
- Commemorative
- Pope encourages expansion of CFM
- Right-to-work claims disputed
- 3rd Order to meet
- Noted conductor honored by Pope
- Work and fun: New Albany youth, 17, is leader in Junior Achievement program, Nick Sauer
- Ham radio web set for missioners
- Daily Communion
- President DeGaulle sends gift to Pope
- Catholic layman’s role in public education
- To enter convent: Miss Elvera Wesseler, Immaculate Conception, Millhousen
- Pope John XXIII-educator
- 1963 Labor Day Statement
- NCCW magazine to make bow soon
- Around the archdiocese: annual dinners, picnics set at three locations
- Road closed, school open: St. Mary-of-the-Knobs, Floyds Knobs
- Hermitage birthday party: St. Paul’s Hermitage, Beech Grove
- Remember them in your prayers
- To enter convent: Miss Linda Little
- Open house set: Miss Gerarda Schmalz, Sacred Heart, Indianapolis
- On TV program
- Captains’ meeting slated at Alverna
- St. Meinrad monk named to teach in Rome college
- Miss Elaine Reiss, Holy Family parish
- Built by Augustus? archeologists seeking historic altar
- Pope Paul simplifies title
- Controversial topic: scripture and tradition issue faces council again
- At teachers’ workshop
- School integration step-up scheduled
- Fuller Christian life needed, Pope declares
- Laud Pope on test ban