April 4, 2008

Meet our future deacons

Patrick Bower Patrick Bower

  • Age: 59
  • Spouse: Lynn
  • Home Parish: St. Barnabas Parish in Indianapolis
  • Occupation: Insurance Agent

Who are the important role models in your life of faith?

The most important role model in my life of faith is my wife, Lynn. She has been faith in action to me in both the highs and lows of our life together. Lynn is an example of childlike trust in God and complete surrender to his will. I am blessed to have known many priests who have guided me and who have influenced me greatly with their dedication, trust in God and faith-filled leadership. There have been many men and women who have witnessed their faith to me through Christ Renews His Parish. Through their example, my own faith has been stretched and has grown beyond my wildest expectations.

What are your favorite Scripture verses, prayers and devotions?

A prayer by Thomas Merton in his book Thoughts in Solitude has always been a comfort and reassurance to me. I find peace in praying the rosary, and have prayed it nearly every day since my teen years. Praying the Liturgy of the Hours each morning and each evening helps to keep me focused on God’s presence in my life. Some favorite Scripture verses are Prv 3:1-6, Ps 51, Jer 31:33 and Lk 12:48.

Why do you feel that God is calling you to become a deacon?

My call to the diaconate started as a flicker and has steadily grown. I feel that God has called me to a higher level of service to him and to his Church. While it is very humbling, I also recognize how blessed I am and that much has been given to me throughout my life. I see my serving as a deacon as a way to thank God for all that I have been given.

How do you hope to serve through your life and ministry as a deacon?

My desire is to be open to where the Holy Spirit leads me. Throughout my adult life, it seems that the Spirit has had me minister to one person at a time. Through casual conversation in work settings as well as in everyday interactions with people, I try to be a witness to Christ, hoping that it will touch each person where they are at that time in their life. I hope to continue to be a man of faith in our parish. Through my service as a deacon, one of my goals is to encourage others to reach out with me to make God’s presence known and felt, both in our parish and in the community. †


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