November 16, 2018

Letters to the Editor

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Priest’s ministry goes beyond parishes cited in Criterion article

We appreciated your article about Father John Hall in the Vocations Supplement in the Nov. 2 issue of The Criterion. We agree with staff writer Sean Gallagher’s emphasis on Father Hall “being with the people” that he serves.

The article interviews Jim O’Connell, a gentleman from Paoli, where Father Hall served at Our Lord Jesus Christ the King Parish from 1989-2001. He now ministers at St. Anne Parish in New Castle and St. Elizabeth Parish in Cambridge City, as mentioned, but what makes his service even more remarkable—and not mentioned in the article—is that he also serves St. Rose of Lima Chapel in Knightstown by celebrating a Mass every Sunday at noon and Thursday evenings at 5:30 p.m.

St. Rose Parish has now been merged with St. Anne Parish, but our Masses are attended by former St. Rose of Lima parishioners, as well as visitors from neighboring parishes and travelers from nearby Interstate 70 and U.S. Highway 40, and for that we are thankful.

Please continue to pray for more vocations so we, as well as other small communities, may continue to have a visible presence for all to see.

- Neil and Penny Shaneyfelt
  Patricia Keesling
  Kathy Zeilinga

Reader: Vocations Supplement should include stories on sacred single life and marriage

I am concerned that The Criterion’s annual Vocations Supplement in the Nov. 2 issue has such a focus on religious life and no focus on sacred single life or married life.

A big reason we are in a vocations crisis is because we are in a marriage crisis. Where do most consecrated religious come from? Good and holy marriages!

I understand that you want a focus on religious life, but you shouldn’t call it Vocations Supplement if it doesn’t include all vocations.

- Matt Duffy | Indianapolis

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