January 15, 2021

Delivery of The Criterion, confirmation of receipt of gifts to UCA impacted by postal service

Criterion staff report

Delivery of The Criterion and other archdiocesan mailings throughout central and southern Indiana have recently been adversely impacted by challenges being faced by the United States Postal Service (USPS).

Because of the COVID-19 pandemic, the volume of mail sent via USPS during the holidays was unprecedented.

Not only were the number of package and letter deliveries at an all-time high, but postal employees were impacted by the pandemic—whether being sick themselves or being exposed to the virus. 

The delay in mail has extended beyond the Christmas season, and the archdiocese is also experiencing the delays firsthand.

Archdiocesan officials understand there are questions and concerns with the timing of mail delivery and the depositing of gifts to the United Catholic Appeal (UCA).

“We ask for your patience as this unseen consequence of the pandemic returns to normal operation. We trust that these dedicated men and women are doing their best to serve us,” said Jolinda Moore, executive director of the archdiocesan secretariat for stewardship and development. “When we receive your gift, we will respond promptly.

“Please be assured that any gift postmarked by Dec. 31 will be acknowledged as a gift received in calendar year 2020, and that all tax acknowledgement letters are postmarked by Jan. 31, 2021,” she continued. “Should you have further questions, don’t hesitate to reach out to the Office of Stewardship and Development.”

(To reach the archdiocesan office of Stewardship and Development, call 317-236-1503.)

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